Retirement Planning

Achieving Retirement Clarity™

Climbing to the summit of a large mountain is one of life’s greatest achievements for experienced climbers. They know that the key to achieving their goal is planning and preparation. Without focused planning and proper preparation, the journey can quickly take a turn for the worse.

Like mountain climbing, retirement planning begins with the goal of reaching the summit. It means having a well-thought-out, well-funded retirement plan strategy. But just as with climbing, unless we adequately plan and prepare, we may be unlikely to achieve our goals.

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Creating your own Retirement Income Survival Kit™

The real goal of reaching the summit of a mountain is not to reach the top, but to reach the top and return safely.  The same can be said for retirement income planning. For years, people have focused on accumulating enough assets. However, one of the biggest risks facing retirees may occur during the income distribution phase when we retire and begin to live on our retirement savings.

As we begin this second half of our journey, we are faced with unique and potentially devastating risks such as a volatile market, inflation, liquidity, longevity, health and survivor risks. Just like climbing a mountain, those who address these risks may be more likely to safely and successfully complete the journey.

We understand that the retirement income planning process can seem overwhelming and complex. That is why we developed The Retirement Income Survival Kit™ or R.I.S.K. Process.

The goal of the RISK Process™ is to simplify the complexity of retirement income planning and guide you through an organized process to:

  1. Effectively transition from accumulating assets for retirement to distributing assets during retirement
  2. Determine how much income to withdraw each year so you don’t outlive your money
  3. Work to assist you in to protect against the key risks you may face during retirement
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